focusing on water
água de histórias
uma história é como água
que aquecêssemos para um banho
transporta mensagens
entre o fogo e a nossa pele,
fá-los encontrarem-se e lava-nos!
poucos são os que conseguem
sentar-se no meio do próprio fogo
como uma salamandra ou abraão
- precisamos de intermediários
sensações de plenitude espreitam
mas faz-nos falta algum pão
para as trazermos
a beleza cerca-nos
e ainda assim, por vezes, é-nos necessário
passear num jardim para nos apercebermos dela
o próprio corpo em si é uma tela
que guarda, e em parte revela,
a luz que internamente fulge
por trás da nossa presença
água, histórias, corpo,
tudo o que fazemos, são mediadores
que ora escondem ora mostram
o que está oculto
disfrutando da limpeza que ocorre
por via deste segredo
que por vezes entendemos
e outras vezes não
jalalu'l-din rumi (trad. nc)
foto: tiago cunha
this is the time and this is the record of the time
good evening, this is your captain
we are about to attempt a crash landing
please extinguish all cigarettes
place your tray tables in their
upright, locked position
your captain says: put your head on your knees
your captain says: put your head on your hands
captain says: put your hands on your head
put your hands on your hips, heh heh
this is your captain - and we are going down
we are all going down, together
and I said: uh oh, this is gonna be some day
this is the time
and this is the record of the time
this is the time
and this is the record of the time
uh-this is your captain again
you know, i've got a funny feeling i've seen this all before
why? 'cause i'm a caveman
why? 'cause I've got eyes in the back of my head
Why? it's the heat
this is the time
and this is the record of the time
this is the time
and this is the record of the time
put your hands over your eyes
jump out of the plane
there is no pilot
you are not alone
this is the time
and this is the record of the time
this is the time
and this is the record of the time
laurie anderson
big science, 1982
o superman (for massenet)
o superman
o judge
o mom and dad
mom and dad
o superman
o judge
o mom and dad
mom and dad
hi! i'm not home right now, but if you want to leave a
message, just start talking at the sound of the tone
hello? this is your mother
are you there? are you coming home?
hello? is anybody home?
well, you don't know me, but I know you
and I've got a message to give to you
here come the planes
so you better get ready, ready to go
you can come as you are, but pay as you go
pay as you go
and i said: ok, who is this really?
and the voice said:
this is the hand, the hand that takes
this is the hand, the hand that takes
this is the hand, the hand that takes
here come the planes
they're american planes
made in america
smoking or non-smoking?
and the voice said: neither snow nor rain nor gloom
of night shall stay these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds.
'cause when love is gone, there's always justice
and when justice is gone, there's always force
and when force is gone, there's always mom - hi mom!
so hold me, mom, in your long arms
so hold me, mom, in your long arms
in your automatic arms
your electronic arms
in your arms
so hold me, mom, in your long arms
your petrochemical arms
your military arms
in your electronic arms
laurie anderson
big science, 1982
born, never asked
it was a large room
full of people
all kinds
and they had all arrived at the same building
at more or less the same time
and they were all free
and they were all asking themselves
the same question:
what is beyond that curtain?
you were born
and so you're free
so happy birthday
laurie anderson
big science, 1982
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